Brian P. Dillon, PT, DPT
Clinic Director / Physical Therapist
“I believe that providing quality of care starts with the client. They know their symptoms and how it affects their quality of life better than I do. It is my job to work in conjunction with and treat each client on an individual basis. Together, we will establish a plan of care to met their goals and expectations. I will listen to, assess and explain any and all treatments, plans or concerns they may have regarding their diagnosis, condition or care. By working together, we can achieve our goals.”
Continuing Education
Current Evidence & Sports Medicine Update for the Shoulder Complex, 2017
DiSepio Symposium Series: Differential Diagnosis, Medical Screening and Ethical Considerations for the Physical Therapist, 2016
HawkGrips: Core Principles of Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization, 2016
Musculoskeletal Management for Mechanical Cervico-Thoracic Dysfunction, 2015
Differential Diagnosis- Module 1: Into to Screening for Referral/Physical Assessment, 2014
Evidence-Based Physical Therapy for Thoracic Spine Pain, 2014
DiSepio Symposium Series, 2014
Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse, 2014
Legal And Ethical Issues For Physical Therapists, 2014
Mechanical Properties of the Musculoskeletal Tissues: Implications For Intervention, 2014
Kinesiology Taping: Movement Assessments & Corrective Exercise, 2013
Evaluation And Intervention of Shoulder Complex Pathologies, 2013
Manual Therapy of the Periphery: An Evidenced-Based Approach, 2013
Lower Limb Biomechanics Workshop, 2013
E2- Extremity Integration, University of St. Augustine, 2012
S2-Advanced Evaluation & Manipulation of Pelvic, Lumbar & Thoracic Spine
University of Saint Augustine, December 2010
E1- Extremity Evaluation & Manipulation-Seminar University of Saint Augustine, March 2010
S3-Advanced Evaluation & Manipulation of the Craniofascial Region, Cervical, and Upper Thoracic Spine
University of Saint Augustine, March 2009
S4- Functional Analysis & Management of Lumbo-Pelvic/Hip Complex
University of Saint Augustine, September 2009
S1-Introducation to Spinal Evaluation & Manipulation- Seminar
University of Saint Augustine, November 2008
MF1- Myofascial Release-Seminar
University of Saint Augustine, April 2008
Third Annual Arnold Strength Training Summit
Presented by StrengthPro Inc., March 2006
Second Annual Arnold Strength Training Summit
Presented by StrengthPro Inc., March 2005
Sportsmetrics: Injury Prevention & Performance Enhancement
Cincinnati Sportsmedicine Research & Education Foundation, August 2003
- Temple University | Doctorate of Physical Therapy
- Saint Francis University, | Masters in Physical Therapy Bachelors in Psychology
7447 Admiral Peary Highway
Suite 2
Cresson, PA, 16630-1901
Phone: (814) 886-9315
Fax: (814) 886-9316