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12 Healing Foods to Eat After Surgery or Injury

What to Eat for Fast Recovery

By: Jennifer Purdie, M.Ed Medically reviewed by Vanessa Nzeh, MD on November 01, 2020

Power foods allow for proper repairing and maintaining of tissues, cells and bones. When you experience any type of injury to your body or have a medical procedure — from minimally invasive to major surgery — consuming the right foods can put you on a faster path to getting your body back in functioning order.

The Cleveland Clinic suggests that diet needs increase when your body fights wounds and infections. When your body is on the mend from an ailment, you should elevate your caloric intake. This includes upping your daily amount of vitamins, minerals and proteins. In a typical day, the Cleveland Clinic suggests you consume the following when your body is in a healing process:

  • 5 servings of grains
  • 2 servings of vegetables
  • 3 servings of fruit
  • 5 to 8 servings of protein
  • 3 servings of dairy

If you can’t meet the above nutritional needs, the Cleveland Clinic advises adding oral nutrition supplements, taking a daily multivitamin that includes minerals, and if necessary, scheduling an appointment with a registered dietitian. As always, it’s a good idea to check with a healthcare professional before adding supplements to your diet.

The following are 12 foods that have been shown in scientific studies to aid in the healing process and get you on track for recovery.

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