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Chris Fosdick, DPT, CSCS

Clinic Director / Physical Therapist

Every patient has their own unique journey through the healthcare system. Our job as clinicians is to use our expertise to make that journey as comfortable and successful as possible.  Meeting everyone where they are, asking where they want to go, and highlighting the path forward is my favorite part of being a physical therapist.

Dr. Chris Fosdick is a doctor of physical therapy that specializes in returning patients to fitness and athletic programs. As a former personal trainer and strength coach, he has worked with exercising populations in hospitals, private training studios, collegiate weight rooms, and general fitness facilities. Using a combination of insight gained from both clinical education and fitness experience, he meets everyone where they currently are in their journey and helps them move towards their chosen destination.

Dr. Fosdick earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan, and his physical therapy degree from Old Dominion University.  Since graduation, he has undergone advanced training in diagnostic muskuloskeletal ultrasound, manual therapy, dry needling, blood flow restrictioning training, and orthotics & shoe wear prescription.

He has worked with niche sports, such as MMA, BJJ, powerlifting, and Olympic weight lifting as an inhouse clinician, and in medical tents at competitions. His tools of choice for strengthening athletes are kettlebells, barbells, and sandbags. He also has emergency medical responder training through the American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy allowing him to assist with acute injuries and help patients find the best healthcare team to return them to their sports.

  • Old Dominion University | Doctorate of Physical Therapy (2016)
  • University of Michigan | BFA in Performing Arts Technology (2008)
  • Certified in Dry Needling
  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach